What about us?

Many people are introduced to crystals by passionate, energised and enthusiastic friends. Other read about the healing properties online or turn to them at moments of desperation.  For me it was neither of these two. I have been fascinated in crystals and crystal collecting from a very young age. Some of my fondest childhood memories are; scrabbling through spoil heaps in Teesdale, clambering through caves and mines and cleaning & polishing purchases and finds!

I went on to do a GCSE, A-Level and Degree in Geology and am still fascinated by minerals, crystals and the earth as a whole.

After 8 years teaching science and chemistry in a Cornish secondary school I took the leap and set up Craftmoor. Through studying geology I made some good contacts who are spread across the world.

With great contacts a knowledge of crystals and a large buying power we have been able to provide the best quality polished stone, raw crystals and holistic products at the lowest prices.

With an ebay store ranked in the top 2000 sellers and a new website we are expecting a busy 2018.


Happy New Year

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